What is that lurking in the bottomest slot of the blue bookcase?
Evidence of a zine addiction.
Capacity by Theo Ellsworth was wonderful. More of a well-illustrated story than a zine. I treasure mine. My other #1 favorite was Pisces Rising by TL Getz.
and a bit further down in the pile
Academic Excellence. Have an excellent weekend, my dear friends. I am busily shooting and editing videos for Watercolor Wildflowers. I've finally cracked the code to my new video app and the new iMovie app. App AAAACK! (Oh Goodie! This posts goes into the Unruly Posts category. I love putting things there. Much betterr than Etc. or Miscellaneous. Unruly is a very good thing to be. Except for hair. Especially in the summer. But other than that, unruly RULES :) That was a run on sentence in my mind. I just threw in some periods out of a sense of respect for you.
Good grief. I better stop writing now
OK...that's funny! Unruly is a good word...gonna use it today.
Posted by: Nancy | 05/30/2014 at 11:54 AM
Unruly weeds . . . that's what I'm dealing with today as I think this weekend (Queen's Birthday weekend . . .yahoo! 3 days!!!) might be the last opportunity to get the garden ready for winter . . . put in a few vegetables.
Posted by: Wendy @ the Late Start Studio | 05/30/2014 at 05:03 PM
Funny timing Diana. I have been looking through my old zines latterly and have contemplated a blog post about them as well!
Posted by: Seth | 05/31/2014 at 12:01 PM
"Pisces Rising"! That was one of my favorites, too! I love my collection of 'zines! Thank you for the reminder!
Posted by: Karyl Howard | 06/02/2014 at 09:58 AM