The Art Institute in Chicago was one of the top hits on the list when we visited The Windy City* last month. I had an opp to contemplate Feininger.
Carnival is a whimsical wonder as it recalls Feininger's cartooning background. I love the yellow houses as a backdrop and it really looks as though the background has been painted on a wall.
Above is one of his comic strips. Who says fine artwork has to be in museums and galleries? I love crazy gadget/machine drawings. And anything that puts a smile on your face is really fine.
There is a joy in Feininger's artwork that seems to burst forth, barely contained. Note the little birdie on the above still life. And let's use some air quotes around "still life" here because it hardly seems still to me.
I so enjoyed rediscovering Feininger's work. I hope you like it too!
*One possible reason for Chicago's nickname "The Windy City" : Long-winded politicians and the frequent political conventions in Chicago have been suggested as the source of the nickname. (from Wikipedia.
Thank you for introducing me to Feininger! I sort of recognize the work but didn't know anything about him. So lively!
Posted by: Mary H | 03/31/2015 at 01:54 PM
Lively is a wonderful word to describe his work. Thanks and I’m glad you enjoyed :)
Posted by: Diana Trout | 03/31/2015 at 05:27 PM