This coming Friday is my first Wine & Art MeetUp. Details below.
The theme is Art is for Everyone! So even non-artists can make a little art. I've been working on some flower drawings and printing them on lovely lightweight watercolor paper so folks can just color them in and use them as they'd like.
You can, naturally, bring your journal or your own supplies but I've been laying in some new supplies for these new classes so there are plenty of things to use here.
Oh! I'm excited :) and I hope if you are in the area, that you'll join us.
Friday, March 27, 7-9 pm
Email me for to sign up and for directions OR
Join my MeetUp here
Libations, snacks and all supplies included
$20 (!)
You'll have one of these meet-ups when I'm in the area won't you? Yeah, 'course!
Posted by: Wendy @ the Late Start Studio | 03/23/2015 at 03:17 PM