This summer uber-talented Megan Greenholt and Brenda Howell will be hosting an on-going eco dye workshop at Cheltenham Center for the Arts (just outside of Philadelphia).
From the Ground Up is a three part workshop series. Take one, two or all three.
Learn the history and processes of natural dyeing, how to identify dye plants and the colors they yield.
In the first class, students will prep and plant the spiral garden design with natural dye plants at our garden hosted by Cheltenham Center for the Arts on their grounds.
Parts two and three of the workshop series learn to harvest the dye plants and create natural dye baths.
Experience three different indigo vats and several shibori techniques on cotton and wool.
Workshop Dates:
May 9, 8/29 and 9/26
Register and more details can be found here on CCA's site
About Megan and Brenda:
Megan Greenholt and Brenda Howell, are members of the artist cooperative, MamaCITA, an affiliated guild of CCA.
Megan Greenholt is a mixed media artist and master gardener through Penn State Extension Program. She has been exploring natural dyes for the last 5 years, demonstrating at historical events, planting her own dye garden and incorporating it into her current work. Brenda Howell's interest in gardening and textiles has also led her to the world of natural dyeing. She is best known for her encaustic paintings and her recycled wool fabric pieces.
My Testimonial :) I've experienced dyeing with natural plants with Megan on several occasions. This is a fascinating and magical process not to be missed. See here for one of our adventures.
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