Ooopa! This a technique that I've been playing with for a couple of months now. Here are a bunch of photos from my play time over the past week (or so). The video and supplies are linked below.
The indigo paint and Yupo paper in my July Artsnacks box inspired me to try the technique on Yupo.
Fun results are very easy to obtain! Spread the paint out and lay the stencil down right into the wet paint. Set it aside, leaving the stencil in place until it's try (or there are no puddles left). Try to avoid peeking. Good luck with that.
Any kind of stencil will work. Just keep the stencil in scale to the paper size. In other words, I was working on those mini pieces of Yupo so used small scale stencils.
I played with blowing, splashing, dropping and water and sucking color up with a damp brush. Great stuff! It's easy to get fingerprints onto the Yupo paper and it will resist paint a little. I solved the problem by using an embossing bag which has a powder in it that neutralizes any oils.
I hope you'll give this technique a try. Any kind of watercolor and paper will work. Use darker colors for more dramatic results. I imagine any watersoluble crayons will work well too. Just make sure the paper is very wet when you lay the stencil down.
I used Phthalo Green and Indigo on the paper above and, honestly!, that is just so cool looking! I love the way the colors separate in some places and mix in others. Very cool. Oh! I used mineral paper on that one. But that's a story for another day.
That should keep you all busy for a while!
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